Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Carbon Footprint scenario
The hanging line of rods (or perhaps field of rods) obstructs the passage through a hallway. Pedestrians are instructed in the basics of carbon footprints by watching the shaky red lights from the bottom of the hanging rods.
It doesn’t seem the rods are moving much but the red lights move according to average American impacts on carbon footprints (simple pre-input obtainable from a site such as http://www.carbonfootprint.com/calculator.aspx). Pedestrians can read the rods’ display of the effect of heating, car usage, flight patterns, etc, on carbon footprinting until at some point they become a part of the reading themselves by walking directly through the obstruction to where they need to go.
At this point the participant him/herself manifests the excuse of carbon footprinting. (i.e. “I am important,” “I am busy,” “I am a normal person for god’s sake”) for the benefit of onlookers on the opposite side. Nearly everyone eventually passes through the carbon footprint hyper-calculator.